
DBE recovers R21 million infrastructure overpayment

By Johnathan Paoli

The Department of Basic Education has recovered an overpayment of more than R21 million from the Mvula Trust, an implementing agent involved in one of its infrastructure projects during the 2022/23 financial year.

This recovery was confirmed by Minister Siviwe Gwarube, who responded to Parliamentary questions about financial mismanagement and the measures in place to monitor contractors and service providers.

Gwarube said that the department engaged implementing agents to manage the construction of new infrastructure and the maintenance of existing school facilities.

She assured Parliament that systems were in place to monitor these projects closely, with regular site visits conducted to verify that progress aligns with contractual obligations.

In the event of delays or issues requiring corrective action, Gwarube emphasised that the implementing agents bore the associated costs.

This policy was enacted in the recovery of the R21 million overpayment from the Mvula Trust.

Gwarube acknowledged that while delays and discrepancies could arise in large-scale infrastructure projects, the department remained proactive in holding implementing agents accountable for any financial irregularities.

The department’s infrastructure delivery model depends on implementing agents like Mvula, Coega Development Corporation and the Development Bank of Southern Africa to execute projects on its behalf, with the agents appointing professional service providers to design, monitor and administer contracts, ensuring quality and compliance.

However, accountability measures have been strengthened to mitigate the risk of financial irregularities.

Gwarube outlined several strategies to ensure the timely completion and quality delivery of school infrastructure projects.

The department holds regular progress meetings with implementing agents, addressing construction milestones, challenges and risks, with updates being shared with the Ministry, the Director-General (DG), and operational teams.

Department officials, including the DG, conduct site visits to verify that work aligns with contractual specifications, ensuring progress is on track and within agreed timelines.

The minister said with the recovery of funds and the implementation of enhanced monitoring strategies, her department aimed to ensure that South Africa’s schools received the infrastructure support they urgently needed, reaffirming its dedication to providing a conducive learning environment for students.


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