QUALITY assurance council, Umalusi, on Tuesday reiterated that no learner in South Africa will be able to pass their matric by obtaining 30% in all subjects.
This after One SA Movement leader Mmusi Maimane recently questioned the quality of education being offered in South Africa and called for an end to the 30% pass mark.
“A 30% pass mark undermines the intellect of SA’s youth and allows for obfuscation of the basic education crisis, education leaders to escape accountabilities and the entrenchment of mediocrity and low expectations,” Maimane said.
The Department of Basic Education and Umalusi said this week that this was not true.
“Pass rates at this level are as old as the matric certificate itself, which is more than 100 years old. If learners were to obtain 30% in all subjects, they would fail. We have to remind each other what the purpose of the National Senior Certificate is. The National Senior Certificate gives learners access to a number of post-school opportunities,” said Umalusi CEO Mafu Rakometsi.
Basic education minister Angie Motshekga has responded to the ongoing public debate on the matric pass mark, dismissing claims it is 30%.
The minister said the debate and claims made about the pass mark demonstrated a lack of understanding about the NSC pass requirements.
The requirements are split into three categories which qualify pupils either for bachelor’s degree or diploma studies and the higher certificate pass.
To obtain a bachelor pass, explained the minister, pupils are required to get a minimum of 40% for their home language, 50% in four other subjects and at least 30% for the language of learning. For a diploma pass, pupils must obtain 40% for their home language, at least 40% in three other subjects and a minimum of 30% in the language of learning. For a higher certificate pass, the home language pass mark remains 40%, at least 30% in the language of learning and at least 40% in two subjects and a minimum of 30% in other subjects
All pupils are required to pass six of the seven subjects regardless of whether they obtain a bachelor, diploma or a higher certificate pass.
The minister reiterated that 30% is a minimum requirement for a single subject and not an aggregate pass mark for all grade 12 subjects.