
Here is what you need to know about the 2022 NSC June supplementary exams


THE Department of Basic Education (DBE) has announced that learners who have written their National Senior Certificate exams in November 2021 and are not satisfied with the results or have missed some of the exam sessions due to other circumstances are urged to register and re-write their National Senior Certificate (NSC) exam.

“For those that would like to re-write their NSC exam, you are given the chance the to do so,” the statement said.

The Ma your June registration closes 11 February 2022.

November registrations close 18 February 2022.

Conditions for entry

Candidates who were absent with a valid reason (medically unfit, death in the immediate family or other special reasons)

Candidates who want to improve their overall achievement status, or only want to improve the achievement of a subject.

In the case where a candidate was absent for one or more papers in the November exam with a valid reason, the candidate has to write all the papers for the registered subject(s).

In the case where an irregular is being investigated – A provisional enrolment of NSC June examination may be granted to the candidate concerned, pending the outcome of the investigation.

Candidates who were unable to write or complete one or more of the NSC November examination question papers for reasons other than illness, injury or death in the family, may apply to write the NSC June examination, provided that a written report s submitted by the principal of the school to the Head of the assessment body.

The DBE said the candidates can only register for subjects which they were registered for in any November examination.

– Inside Education

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