
More than 290 000 ready to sit for Grade 12 re-write examinations, says Basic Education Department


THE Department of Basic Education says it is ready to administer the 2022 May/June Grade 12 examinations which started on Monday this week.

The Department also wished all candidates who will sit for the May/June 2022 examinations the best in their endeavours.

“More than 290 680 people will rewrite their NSC and Senior Certificate exams from today [Monday],” the Department of Basic Education said in a statement.

“The number of candidates for the two respective qualifications are as follows: National Senior Certificate: 165 993 and Senior Certificate: 124 689. These candidates will be sitting for the examinations at 5 236 examination centres, across the country.”

The National Senior Certificate candidates have written their exams in previous years but did not attain the full requirements of the qualification. In addition, this year’s rewrite exams were for the first time opened to candidates registered for the October/November examination, as from 2008.

The Department said those who did not succeed would be granted a second chance to attain their goal of having a matric certificate.

The Department advised the candidates to locate their examinations centres days before they’re due to write.

“Avoid frustration, don’t leave this off until the day of the exam,” the department said.

Meanwhile, the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education head of communications Muzi Mahlambi said that a total of 36 850 learners will be rewriting the 2022 May/June Matric examination in the province.

Mahlambi said that the department was ready to conduct the exam.

He said that all learners who lost their IDs during the KZN floods including would be allowed to write the examinations. 

“As the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education we are ready to conduct the examination despite the recent floods we have had. We have even said that learners who have lost everything in their homes including their ID’s are allowed to sit for the examinations. For we have a schedule for all registered learners and we will also be using admission letters known as timetables,” said Mahlambi.   

The KZN MEC for Education Kwazi Mshengu wished all the learners well in their exams.

“All the best, this is the license to your future qualifications after acquiring matric,” Mshengu said.

More than 630 schools were affected by the floods in KwaZulu-Natal with 101 of them being inaccessible and 124 suffering extensive damage.

In the Eastern Cape, more than 13 000 of the candidates are set to rewrite the examinations.

Outgoing Western Cape Education Minister, Debbie Schäfer, said there were 174 exam centres across the province.

Schäfer wished all the candidates well.

“I wish all candidates the very best as they tackle their exams and invest in their futures. Work hard, do your best, and know that we are here to support you to the fullest,” Schäfer said.


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