The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education opened the 2023 learner admission process on 1 March 2022 and has now urged parents and guardians who have not secured school spaces for their children, to do so before the deadline of 30 September 2022.
The Department said that they expect that parents should have applied to the minimum of at least three schools for their children, as per the guidance of the department.
Parents were encouraged to apply to three schools so that they increase the chances for the children to be placed at one school, even if it wasn’t their first choice.
The deadline of 30 September 2022 is for Grade 1 and Grade 8 learners. The department says that they will only deal with cases beyond the deadline, of learners whose parents applied but could not secure spaces due to various circumstances.
Late applications will not be attended to according to the department as they say it puts officials under too much pressure.
“We urge parents and guardians to cooperate with the Department in this regard, with the view of ensuring smooth learners admission for the 2023 Academic Year,” said the MEC for Education in KwaZulu-Natal, Mbali Frazer.
Application forms can be found at schools that parents and guardians wish to apply to.
Documents that are needed when making an application include the:
Birth certificate (Note that baptismal certificates will not be regarded as proof of birth date)Immunisation card; andTransfer card or last school report card for learners who have been to school previously.
Additional documents required if one is not a South African citizen are:
Study PermitTemporary or permanent residence permit from the Department of Home Affairs; orEvidence that you have applied for permission to stay in South Africa
The 2023 school year is set to commence on 18 January and end on 13 December for schools in Kwazulu-Natal. These dates could however change as the 2023 school calendar has not yet been finalised.