EVERY year, almost one in ten teenage deaths in South Africa result from suicide. Up to 20% of high school learners have tried to take their own lives for various reasons, the most popular being depression, anxiety and suicide.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 700 000 people die by suicide yearly. That’s an average of one person every 40 seconds. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death among 15- to 19-year-olds globally.
Teen Suicide Prevention Week is being observed from the 14 th to the 21 st of February, focusing on raising awareness and preventing teen suicides.
Nkazimulo Zitha, Head of School Achievement at SPARK School, says it is important for schools to create a safe space for scholars who may want to discuss personal issues ranging from bullying, trauma, anxiety, or any problems affecting their mental health.
It is essential to understand the factors contributing to suicidal teenagers in schools, for teachers/principals to identify suicidal behaviour in scholars, especially teens in schools and explore ways parents can have a productive conversation about suicide with their children.
Schools and communities team up and can work together to combat teen suicide. SPARK Schools are active in educating learners to help prevent suicide.