Staff Reporter
Students or academics are invited to apply now for a fully-funded scholarship to study a Master’s level course in Ireland.
The scholarship is named after the late ANC stalwart and human rights Professor Kader Asmal, a former government leader in education and water who spent time in Ireland during exile.
The Embassy of Ireland administers a full scholarship to study at a Master’s level at an institution in Ireland. The KAFP is a fully-funded scholarship opportunity offered to South African students to look at the Master’s level in Ireland’s world-renowned Higher Education Institutions.
This flagship programme of the Embassy of Ireland in South Africa is part of the broader Ireland-Africa Fellows Programme offered by Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs. The Kader Asmal Fellowship Programme is targeted at early career professionals in South Africa with leadership potential.
The scholarship broadly supports leadership for the Sustainable Development Goals, and supporting the development of women’s leadership capacity and women’s participation in STEM are vital priorities.
The deadline for applications is 31 July 2023.
Ireland’s Ambassador, Fionnuala Gilsenan, said South Africa enjoys a successful partnership with universities of technologies in Ireland; in addition, there is a National Qualifications Framework shared between South Africa and Ireland, with plans to expand on regional technical colleges, which are now part of the universities of technology initiative.
The ambassador said there was enormous potential in the partnership.
To apply click here.