
Classroom Management| How a blended mode of learning with help of digitization can help students

BLENDED mode of learning’s footprints can be traced back in mid of nineteen century.

It spread its wings in late 20th Century with Learning Management System and interactive learning experience through sound and Video with extensive usage of CD ROM developing it into First Web based Instruction.

Union between face-to- face and technology-based learning gave new impetus to students’ educational experience.

Pandemic propelled Digitization, Technology based learning seeping rapidly in the Education right from Junior KG to Graduation Level studies.

Leap bound technological development in the form of various User friendly easily accessible Video conferencing platforms facilitated blended learning during pandemic and is even facilitating other sectors also.

The concept of borrowing notes got promoted as sharing of pdfs, homework in notebooks rapidly converted into word document assignments.

This complete online mode soon made students as well as teachers miss their classroom environment but made them wish that technology could become a seamless part of their classroom learning.

Blended Learning assists in making this wish of an explorative digital classroom come true.

Blended Learning is the methodology of using digital learning tools along with the traditional face to face classroom teaching.

But then the question arises whether such digitization just of using pdfs instead of books or having files uploaded in LMS instead of workbooks submitted in staffroom, proves to be Blended learning?

Of course not.

Blended Learning has the potential to transform the entire teaching and learning process into a fruitful, engaging, and collaborative learning environment.

It is more about allowing students to control how they learn thus enabling them to gain personalized learning experiences.

The combination of in-person teaching techniques, teacher-led online modules, and self-paced learning forms the core of the Blended Learning strategy.

The teaching units developed under this umbrella focuses on:

* Creating micro lessons for helping students grasp content easily.
* Perform in between checks for understanding and design assessment that will align with the learning goals to be achieved.
* Collaborate with peer students to assimilate different perspectives
* Explore scenarios and connect the student’s understanding with them

Nowadays it is quite feasible to build student centric study materials with the help of modern multimedia tools.

Developing interactive lessons using ICT can really bring in an excitement among students to learn new skills. The teacher is now in the role of Facilitator rather than just a knowledge provider.

Advantages of Blended Learning:

Blended learning helps students to get a customized education as the teachers can assess their performance in multiple ways and can provide e-materials accordingly to help students grasp the subject matter according to their learning style.
Digital technology is helping to create interesting e-lessons involving gamification which explain concepts effectively to different learning styles of learners.
The blended mode of learning offers more time for student-teacher interaction as the online dissemination of study materials saves times of classroom teaching hours. This time can be utilized for student centric in-class activities.

Students learn at their own pace. The slow learners can go through online resources at their own speed for concept understanding which they would have found challenging to do so in regular classrooms.

The advanced learners get a chance to explore a lot more via content rich study materials. Currently it is possible to create a nourishing academic environment with the usage of different types of e-resources.

Collaboration with peers is one of the major differences that is seen during blended learning. When the students are trained to use the online tools effectively, they can communicate and collaborate with each other in a better way, even surpassing the geographical and time constraints.

They get time to interact with teachers and their classmates, thus gathering different perspectives leading towards deeper understanding.

Students discuss their ideas, experiment while working in teams and most importantly, they can do so within their campus or remotely, even with other student communities.

Multi language support with translated versions of e-resources is helping students to learn from teachers across the globe.

Knowledge now flows over the language hurdles and has spread across with help digitization.

Special e-content is developed for hearing and visually impaired learners with the help of which their teachers can make their classroom activities quite engaging.

Teachers have a greater responsibility to blend the online education with experiential and activity-based learning. It must be realized that Blended learning is not just a mix of our teaching and technology.

Merely replacing blackboards with presentations or a classroom lecture with an online video streaming does not become a blended mode of teaching.

The in-person learning, and online factors must work together to design enhanced experiential learning environments.

The digital education initiatives launched by the Indian government are providing online education across the country.

Teachers can take advantage of these initiatives for a blended mode of teaching. Several portal hosts MOOCs which can be accessed by all citizens for quality education.

Various portals provide engaging learning resources in multiple languages. Virtual Labs enables the undergraduate and postgraduate students to remotely access the virtual labs for their practicals.

The Open Educational Resources (OER) materials have opened the doors of learning to everyone willing to educate themselves.

Blended learning aims to develop a student-centered model of education.

With technology progressing rapidly, digitization and blended learning will create a promising definition of education and enrich students’ learning experience.


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