
Combating crime through sport

A sports day focused on reducing crime was hosted by Sports Against Crime South Africa (Sacsa) in conjunction with the Secure Rite Security and local neighbourhood watches at Gordon High School, Western Cape, last weekend.

According to Sacsa president Vincent Daniels, the event focused on learners and giving them something to do that will inevitably draw them away from taking part in crime or become a statistic.

Doreen Finger, a resident of Lourencia Park, says many youths of the area are drawn into crime and drugs.

This is why the organisers decided to host a mini-run and six of the learners from the area who attended did a loop of the athletics field. Afterwards the young athletes each received a certificate for completing the run.

“This is why we try and organise events such as these because we try to fight crime with sports,” he said. “We have to thank the school’s principal Lizette Visser who availed the school grounds for us.”

Daniels reiterated the importance of an event like this, especially because crime has become so prevalent in schools.


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