DEPARTMENT of Basic Education says it is pleased 2021 matric exams ended on Monday without any incidents that could compromise the credibility of the examinations.
“Apart from the reported incidents of some candidates caught with crib notes and cell phones, there are no confirmed reported serious irregularities at this stage that could threaten the credibility, integrity and image of the exams as a whole,” the department said.
The exams started on October 27 and were written in 6,326 public exam centres, 526 independent centres and 326 designated centres.
The department said 897,786 candidates registered to sit for the 2021 National Senior Certificate exams, with 735,677 full-time and 162,109 part-time candidates.
Marking was scheduled to start on Wednesday and end on December 22.
More than 41,500 markers had been appointed at 193 centres across all provinces.
— Dep. Basic Education (@DBE_SA) December 6, 2021
“The department put in place various measures that assisted in safe guarding the examinations at various points,” the department said.
“The department thanks all learners, teachers and school management teams for the resilience they have shown in braving the pandemic with a single goal of ensuring that the Class of 2021 receives optimum support.”
Congratulations to the #MatricClassOf2021 . We wish you a restful and well-deserved holiday. Please observe all health and safety measures during your vacation. And please go and get #vaccinated if you haven’t already done so .#IChooseVaccination #VacciNation
— Dep. Basic Education (@DBE_SA) December 6, 2021
* Inside Education