ENTRIES are being sought for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secondary School
Essay Competition to recognise the best work in the region.
The 2023 SADC Secondary School Essay competition topic is: How can SADC promote Industrialisation for inclusive, resilient and sustainable economic growth?
The topic is derived from the theme of the 42nd Ordinary SADC Summit of Heads of State, and Government held virtually by the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, on 17th August 2022, which is: Promoting industrialisation through agro-processing, mineral beneficiation, and regional value chains for inclusive and resilient economic growth.
The wording of the think piece and content should aim at addressing the topic and, at the same time, promoting the SADC’s Objectives and Common Agenda.
All entries should be typed and submitted electronically in Microsoft Word document format.
All essays entering the competition should be in one of the SADC working languages, i.e. English, Portuguese and French.
The essay should be between 900 and 1000 words.
The deadline for submission of entries to the Department of Basic Education is 28 April 2023.
Winners and Prizes
The SADC Secretariat has allocated USD1000 as prize money for the national competition winners in each Member State. The prize money will be divided as follows:
USD 500 for the first prize
USD 300 for the second prize
USD 200 for the third prize
Each candidate will receive the equivalent prize money in South African Rands. The three national winning essays will be forwarded to the SADC Secretariat for consideration in the regional
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants must reside in South Africa,
Applicants must be currently attending secondary school,
Essays must not be more than 1000 words but not less than 900 (Arial 1.5 line spacing for
typed essays),
Submissions must be the unaided work of applicants,
Submissions should be in English,
The name of entrants should be the same as those that appear on the Identification
Document (ID) or Passport, and
Applicants must be willing and fit to travel.
To submit an entry:
The learner should forward their essays to
For enquiries regarding the competition, one of the following officials may be contacted:
Mr Lucky Maluleke: | 012 357 3494
Ms Zanele Rakumaku: | 012 357 3485
Ms Matome Sekgota: | 012 357 3373
The closing date for entries is 28 April 2023.