GAUTENG Department of Education (GDE) has launched the Mandisa Shiceka Maths, Science, and ICT School of Specialisation with a focus on mining in Kagiso, Mogale City on the West Rand.
The GDE hopes that the new School of Specialisation in Krugersdorp, will pave the way forward for future scientists, entrepreneurs, and mathematicians.
Schools of Specialisation (SoS) seek to advance learners’ skills through a modernised, immersive and dynamic curriculum. Each SoS achieves this by specialising in one of the following fields: Engineering; Maths, Science, and ICT; Commerce and Entrepreneurship; Performing and Creative Arts; and Sports.
In line with the development of Gauteng’s economic corridors, the location and curriculum emphasis present at each SoS is influenced by the specialty of each corridor. Gauteng West has been identified as an area most suitable to establish a school specialising in mining.
The school is named after Mandisa Shiceka who was a well-known anti-apartheid activist in Kagiso and was also a member of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature from 1995 until 1999.
Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane says the launch of schools of specialisations seeks to change the path of the system.
“When we say there is a focus on mining, we are not saying we will move away from the standard syllabus but we will enhance it. In every grade, all learners are going to acquire vocational skills,” said Chiloane.
“As a department, we want to create a model citizen in the community. Young people who are able to ask critical questions that are challenging the mining sector.”