
Liberian Educator Wants Early Childhood Education Prioritized

EARLY childhood education is the foundation or cornerstone of any higher education and so a Liberian education is craving the indulgence of the national government and stakeholders to place key emphasis on that area.

Mr. G. Sebastine Gaye, Director of the Trumpet of Praise (TOP) International School, asserted that in order to strengthen the educational sector of the country so that Liberia comes on par with other comity of nations, the Liberian government specifically must place serious emphasis on training for teachers in early childhood education.

Mr. Gaye, who is also one of the founders of the TOP International School, made these comments at the weekend at the occasion marking the observance of the school’s 17th anniversary.

“We want to call on the national government to place emphasis on the training of teachers for this group of people, who are the foundation for every education process – because taking care of kids is something extremely difficult,” said Mr. Gaye.

“And so we want to encourage national government to place serious emphasis on manpower development so as get our kids prepared early,” he asserted.

And as the TOP International School envisages to be a second to none institution of learning, Mr. Gaye disclosed plan for the elevation of an additional annex to bring in more facilities.

Founded in 2005, following barely nine years of the establishment of the church -Trumpet of Praise Tabernacle, the TOP International School currently operates two key branches in Fiamah in Sinkor, Monrovia and in Pipeline in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. The school operates from nursery up to 8th grade.

“At the end of the current academic year (2021/2022), we will start the elevation of another annex for additional classes, a library, a playground and a reading room for our kids,” Gaye revealed.

We will be calling on the public; national government, parents and guardians and well-wishers to come and grace the occasion marking the groundbreaking for the construction of this annex. We want to extend the school to ninth grade and in the future extend it to senior high,” the TOP International School Director, among other things, added.


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