
Matric Results: Free State province leads the Class of 2022 at 88.5% – Motshekga


THE Free State is once again the leading province at 88.5%, an increase of 2.8% from 2021, according to Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga, who announced matric results for the year 2022 on Thursday night.

Gauteng achieved at 84.4%, an increase of 1.6% from 2021.

KwaZulu-Natal, the best improved province, achieved 83.0%, an increase of 6.2% from 2021, while the third best improved province record went to the Eastern Cape, with an achievement of 77.3%, an increase of 4.2% from 2021.

“We should state that none of the provinces performed below the 70% pass rate; and none had a decline when their 2022 results are compared with those of the previous year. Five provinces performed above the 70% pass rate; and four provinces performed above the 80% pass rate,” said Motshekga.

“The provinces with the highest improvements in their performances are KwaZulu-Natal with 6.2%; Limpopo with 5.3%; and the Eastern Cape with 4.2%.  Again, the great work done in these three most rural provinces, must be applauded.”

Motshekga also praised the class of 2022 for producing a pass rate of 80.1% despite challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic and load shedding. 

The pass rate is now up by 3.7 percentage points.

“The Matric Class of 2022 must be commended for maintaining this trend despite the astronomical challenges they faced – challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, ESKOM’s loadshedding, and the sporadic service delivery protests,” said Motshekga.

“The 2022 NSC overall pass rate has reached the 80.1%, (compared with 76.4% in 2021) – an improvement of 3.7% from the pass rate achieved by the Class of 2021.  This, represents a record of five hundred and eighty thousand, five hundred and fifty five (580 555) candidates, who passed the 2022 NSC examinations – an improvement of 7.9% passes by number, achieved by the Class of 2021.”

She said the number of bachelor passes has increased 8.9 percentage points, and also diploma passes. 

She said Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal contributed the most bachelor passes.

“We must state that KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng contributed the most Bachelor passes, with sixty-nine thousand, eight hundred and forty-nine (69 849) – an increase of 12.9% from 2021; and fifty-eight thousand, one hundred and nineteen (58 119) – an increase of 4.1% from 2021, respectively.” 

“When combined, KZN and Gauteng contributed one hundred and twenty-seven thousand, nine hundred and sixty-eight (127 968) Bachelor passes – an improvement of 8.7% from 2021, and 45.9% of the overall Bachelor passes nationally,” said Motshekga.

She said it was remarkable to note that the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo – the three most rural provinces in the country, produced a combined total of 137 701 Bachelor passes, which is equivalent to 63.0% of the total Bachelor passes; and an improvement of 13.5% from the 2021 total Bachelor passes. 

“In addition, these three most rural provinces, produced one hundred and seventeen thousand, four hundred and fifty one (117 451) passes with distinction, which is equivalent to 53.7% of the total passes with distinction; – an improvement of 13.1% from the 2021,” said Motshekga.

“It is also noteworthy that the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo were also able to produce a combined total ninety-five thousand, three hundred and ninety-three (95 393) Diploma passes; which is equivalent to 49.3% of the total Diploma passes nationally; and an improvement of 8.3% from the 2021 total passes with Diploma.  Therefore, this kind of consistent and improved performance by our three most rural provinces, dispels the myth that quality education, is a character of urban provinces.” 


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