
More than 5 400 graduates to be capped at UCT


OVER 5 400 graduates will be capped when the University of Cape Town (UCT) hosts 15 graduation ceremonies from Monday, 27 March to Friday, 31 March 2023, at the Sarah Baartman Hall. 
The university will also award high academic honours in honorary degrees to two distinguished individuals: Dr Debra Roberts and Her Excellency ǂXuu Katrina Esau.
UCT Interim Vice-Chancellor Emeritus Professor Daya Reddy said: “We have once again come to that jubilant time of the year on our university calendar when we celebrate those who have over the years burned the midnight oil and successfully qualified for their various undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. We are, therefore, with great delight, looking forward to hosting the graduation ceremonies.”
The total number of graduands includes 57 PhDs, whose work has in many ways lived up to the university’s vision of unleashing human potential to create a fair and just society.
“I congratulate most warmly all our graduands who will be honoured and whose achievements will be recognised during these auspicious occasions. In the same breadth, let me record my appreciation for the role that our academic staff have played in guiding our graduands, as well as the support ably provided by our administrative staff. Parents, guardians, and other family members have also, in one way or another, made significant sacrifices and contributions to ensure the success of their loved ones.”


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