
Motshekga meets with the Ministerial Task Team on the Review of Education White Paper 6

Inside Education Correspondent

THE Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, addressed the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) meeting on the Review of Education White Paper 6. The week-long workshop was held from 8 to 12 April 2024 at the Birchwood Hotel and Conference Centre, Boksburg, in Gauteng. 

Its objective was to review the MTT’s work and work streams, identify key recommendations for the Minister’s consideration, and produce a management plan for the MTT’s outstanding work.

The White Paper outlines how the sector will build an education and training system to foster a compassionate and inclusive society, emphasising the need for adaptation to accommodate diverse learning needs. Since its inception in 2001, the sector has, despite challenges, made significant progress in implementing Inclusive Education. 

Minister Motshekga underscored several critical factors essential for implementing Inclusive Education in South Africa in her address. She emphasised the necessity for special needs education to be integrated, recognising that its success requires collaboration among sections and other departments, such as Health and Social Development and other stakeholders. 

Additionally, the Minister underlined the importance of the MTT by providing honest assessments, reviewing the policy framework of Education White Paper 6, and using the policy commitments made in 2001 as a benchmark. 

Furthermore, the Minister highlighted the significance of addressing issues affecting ordinary people and vulnerable communities, emphasising the need to enrich the review of the White Paper in ways that effectively serve the communities’ needs.

Separated into three breakaway sessions, the participants from Situation Analysis, Policy and Legislation, and Conceptual Framework work streams thoroughly reviewed, examined, and evaluated the progress of implementing Education White Paper 6. Critical issues presented included amendments designed to eliminate barriers and enhance access to basic education for all learners, including those with disabilities.

Jabulani Ngcobo, Director Inclusive Education, stated: “The Minister appointed the Ministerial Task Team on 5 January 2023, and it has recently completed a year, so we needed to devise a plan for the remaining work of the MTT, reflecting on it and mapping how it will be spread across the remaining period. 

“This productive five-day workshop was a testament to the dedication and commitment of the members to enhance and focus the work of the MTT. I am pleased with the dedication and work ethic displayed by all the participants.” 

The meeting agreed that the co-chairpersons, Prof Sigamoney Naicker and Dr Margie Schneider, will consolidate the report from the input from the work streams of the MTT. 

This report will be tabled for the Minister’s consideration.


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