
Nzimande launches 2023 tertiary institutions youth campaign


MINISTER of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, launched the 2023 Tertiary Institutions Youth Campaign at uMfolozi TVET College, Eshowe campus in KwaZulu-Natal on Friday.

This provincial launch follows the national launch, which was held at Rhodes University, in the Eastern Cape on 7 March 2023.

The objectives of the campaign are to:
 Promote a civic culture of ongoing engagements and exchange of ideas within
institutions of higher learning through targeted CDE programmes;
 Engage students’ views about electoral democracy and impact of participation
thereof through debates;
 Promote Online Voter Registration to students within institutions of higher learning across the Republic;
 Conduct on-campus voter registration using the Voter Management Device
 Empower the students’ electorate with information to participate meaningfully
in democratic & electoral processes.

Nzimande said the department wants to improve the capacity of the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) system to meet the skills needs and development of the country.

The Department has oversight over four main categories of PSET institutions, namely: public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs); Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, Community Education and Training (CET) colleges and private colleges.

“The reality is that young people need to take a stand and constructively engage on socio-political issues. No country can succeed if it does not invest in the future of young people to become tomorrow’s leaders,” he said.

As part of a commitment to expand access to higher education for students from poor and working-class backgrounds, the number of students funded by NSFAS increased from 580,000 in 2018 to 770,000 in 2021. For the current financial year, NSFAS has approved the provisional funding of a record of 1,083,055 students. The budget is projected to be around R47.6 billion.

Nzimande thanked the Electoral Commission of South Africa for involving all post-school education and training institutions in launching this Annual Tertiary Institutions Civic and Democracy Education (CDE) Youth Campaign at uMfolozi TVET College.


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