
Oversight visits to assess public schools’ state of readiness

Lerato Mbhiza

THE Portfolio Committee members on Basic Education will this week visit schools to assess their state of readiness for the 2024 academic year.

Schools opened last Wednesday, and unlike previous years, all public schools in South Africa will resume academic programmes on the same day.

The  chairperson of the committee Rajaa Azzakani said the visit to schools is part of the committee’s programme to assess the readiness of the schools for the 2024 academic year.

“As part of the committee’s draft programme, committee members will engage stakeholders in the education sector to discuss the state of schooling for 2024”.

Azzakani  said the focus of the visit will include, among other things, assessing infrastructure; ablution facilities in schools, including pit-latrines eradication in the Eastern Cape; flood-damaged schools, especially school infrastructure in KwaZulu-Natal after the floods; monitoring Grade R and early childhood development sites; the delivery of learner-teacher study material; school nutrition; learner transport and special schools support.

“The delegation will be in the North West until tomorrow. Later in the week, they will visit schools in the Eastern Cape. A second delegation of the committee is visiting Limpopo for the next two days and later  in the week will move to KwaZulu-Natal. Committee members are divided into two groups to ensure that they reach as many schools as possible in several provinces”.

She added that after they visit the schools, the delegation will also meet with the North West Department of Education, the National Department of Basic Education, including the Office of the MEC, HOD, Senior and District Officials, members of the Portfolio Committee on Education in the North West Provincial Legislature, Provincial House of Traditional Leaders, Student Governing Bodies Associations, Organised Labour and the South African Principals Association.


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