
Parliament committee welcomes Pretoria school racism report

By Johnathan Paoli

The select committee on education, sciences and the creative industries has welcomed the Education Department’s recent report into allegations of racism at the Pretoria High School for Girls (PHSG).

Committee chair Makhi Feni said the report was an indication of the ongoing and rampant racism in white schools as well as elements standing in the way of integration and transformation.

Feni called on school governing bodies as well as principals to accept the multiracial and diverse nature of the country and assist Black learners in the transformation project.

“This outcome gives not only the PHSG, but all former white schools an opportunity to reflect on how they are integrating Black South African learners into what they perceive to be their spaces,” he said.

This follows the school making headlines in recent months for racism, including a whites-only WhatsApp group, bullying of Black learners and white educators refusing to greet their Black colleagues.

The chair said these types of schools should not remain enclaves of aspirant racists, and called for initiatives that facilitate racial integration.

“Conservatism on outdated race politics will not help this country prosper, but diversity will. South Africa still needs to heal, and we will not tire of raising these matters until our children live, work, and play together with no regard whatsoever to race and background,” Feni said.

He said the report indicated that the previous school-commissioned report was merely an attempt at whitewashing and called on the department to assist the school in creating programmes that could address the legacies of racism at these institutions.


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