SCHOOL Principal Nkasana Matlapu, from the S.J van der Merwe Technical School in Limpopo has made it against all odds – going out of her way to make sure learners without cell phones and data were able to resume classes online despite daunting connectivity challenges.
Matlapu won the Woolworth & MySchool Shero award at the Annual National Teaching Awards event in Kempton Park, attended by Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga and President Cyril Ramaphosa, where teachers were praised for helping children despite facing their own challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Matlapu was rewarded for her initiatives with the hero award.
The award-winning principal and her school received R75,000 as well as other donations from various corporate sponsors.
She looked for funders who could “adopt” children to look after their financial shortfalls and ensure they stayed in the system.
Her school, SJ Van der Merwe Technical School in Lebowakgomo, Limpopo, said: “It is with great pleasure to announce to you former learners that that our energetic, young and visionary Principal, Nkasana Matlapu, was awarded, by the Limpopo MEC of Education, Position 1 in the Limpopo National Teachers Awards for Excellence in Secondary School Leadership. Nationals here we come! The Trust is proud of you mma and we are behind you.”
The Top National Teacher Award went to Mariette Wheeler from the Protea Heights Academy in the Western Cape for ensuring teachers stay engaged during online classes.
Thirty-eight teachers across the country in total have received awards, being recognised for their excellence during the trying COVID-19 pandemic.
* Inside Education