
Schools urged to ditch frills on first day of reopening, focus on learning

By Akani Nkuna

The Department of Basic Education is being urged to prioritise its core responsibilities, specifically school admissions and teaching, on the first day of the new school year.

Makhi Feni, the chairperson of the Select Committee on Education, Science and Creative Industries, said that this would ensure a smooth start to the academic year.

“On behalf of the committee, we trust Minister Siviwe Gwarube and her team will ensure the reopening of schools runs smoothly,” said Feni.

He highlighted ongoing concerns and campaigns surrounding scholar transport and other pressing issues, including the proposed reduction of teacher posts, arguing that they should not affect teaching, especially on the first day.

“These are side shows that need not impact the reopening of schools, and the necessary learner and teacher support should be provided to all schools so that they are geared for effective learning on the first day,” he said.

Feni emphasised that the first day of school should prioritise the basics, which were enrolment, registration and providing students with necessary curriculum-aligned materials.

Feni also addressed concerns that matric results were being sold online for a fee, sparking concerns about the integrity and accessibility of the results.

“The issue around paying a fee to view results is another form of extortion and should not be entertained,” he said.

Feni emphasised that the Basic Education Laws Amendment Act was focused on shaping the future of South African education, rather than catering to special interest groups nostalgic for the past.

He further expressed confidence that Gwarube would be transparent with Parliament and avoid politicising the implementation of the legislation.

“We trust that Minister Gwarube will not seek to use the regulations for political gain of BELA opponents. The president has ordered a complete implementation in the presidential ascension to the BELA Act. It is such a comprehensive piece of legislation that need not be viewed with narrow minds,” he said.

South African schools are set to reopen this week. The Class of 2024 will get their results on Tuesday.


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