HTS N Diederichs THS boys are leaving the rest of Gauteng’s soccer players in the dust, racking up points and climbing the ranks each time they face off against another school.
Last month, November 13, the school’s U/15 team participated in the Pan Africa Schools Competition at the Greenhills Sport Stadium in Randfontein, and according to head coach Gift Seziba, they took on teams from Randfontein High School (RHS), Badirile Lodirile Secondary School, Rietvallei Secondary School and Wadela Technical High School. In the final match against Badirile Lodirile, HTS N Diederichs THS came out on top 7–0.
Gift explained that, “HTS N Diederichs THS qualified for the D12 Pan Africa Schools Competition and will be playing against other regional teams.
They’ll be representing the West Rand as they were the winners of the District play-offs. The matches will be played in the coming weeks, but the dates are yet to be confirmed. If the boys win in the Regionals, they’ll be going through to the Provincials.
“I, coach Lebohang Dube, coach Tetelo Mogapi and soccer governor Adélle Nell have been strongly in support of the development of the boys’ soccer skills – mentally and physically as well as educationally, encouraging positive involvement in the school on a school sports level which will progress onto a regional, provincial and national level.”
Currently, the school is reaching out to more local businesses for sponsorships as they look to expand their sports in general. “We are the only school on the West Rand that had nine players go through at the district trials, and we’re the only school going to represent the West Rand at the Pan Africa Schools Regional Competition, going in undefeated,” Gift said.
Krugersdorp News