
SOPA| North West Premier Bushy Maape sets aside R1.2bn on maintenance and construction of new schools


NORTH West Premier Bushy Maape announced on Friday that his administration will set aside billions of rands for some of the public infrastructure projects to be implemented by the department of public works, including the completion of new schools during the financial year.

“Education will expend in excess of R1.2 billion on maintenance and construction of new schools.”

Maape delivered his first State-Of-the-Province-Address (SOPA) in the provincial legislature on Friday morning.

Maape was elected as premier in August last year after the resignation of Premier Job Mokgoro.

“Some of the public infrastructure projects to be implemented by the department of public works include the completion of new schools during the financial year 2022/23; these are Kgabalatsane Secondary Schools, Tlakgameng Secondary School, Tlokwe Secondary School, Tigane Secondary School (Phase2), Kagiso Barolong Secondary School, Monnamere Primary School, Kgetleng Secondary School, Mamodibo High School and Rekgonne Bapo Secondary School,” said Maape.

The Department of Education appointed 4 535 Food Handlers to serve meals to learners during lock down and extended school holidays.

The premier added that the department have enlisted the participation and support of the National Department of Higher Education, Department of Science and Technology, together with the relevant SETA’s.

Maape said for the financial year 2022/23, the following youth programmes will be implemented in the province:

• One Hundred and twenty (120) young people will benefit from the interventions focusing on skills development, in areas of road

marking and pothole patching in partnership with DEDECT and the Construction SETA.

• DEDECT in partnership with Services SETA (SSETA) will recruit 100 young people to participate in the Business Advisory Candidacy Programme and a further 200 in the Business Advisory Skills Programme.

• The Department of Social Development will train additional three hundred (300) youths in terms of the National Youth Service.

• R 11million has been set aside through the Agricultural Graduate Programme to train 120 unemployed graduates, who will be placed at various agricultural farms and enterprises across the province.

Inside Education

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