
UKZN announces 10-year strategic plan for 2023-2032


THE University of KwaZulu-Natal has unveiled its plan for sustainable growth and excellence over the
next decade. The University’s 10-year Strategic Plan (2023-2032) was recently announced by Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Nana Poku, who described it as the “most ambitious plan by the University to date”.

“Over the next ten years, the University will build a resilient physical and human infrastructure to
foster innovation and entrepreneurship while continuing to engage in cutting-edge research,” he

The Strategic Plan, which serves as a guide for University operations over the next decade, highlights five strategic goals to propel the University forward, i.e., Excellent Teaching and Learning, Excellent Student Experience; Excellent and High Impact Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship; High Impact Societal and Stakeholder Community Engagement; and Targeted Internationalisation.

“By creating partnerships and relationships with public and private sector partners as a vehicle for achieving its aspirations, the University will pursue its core purpose – to inspire greatness in every aspect of its mandate,” said Poku.

The University will strive to establish key high-impact interdisciplinary research institutes and promote institutional collaboration with industry and all stakeholders to provide a strong foundation that ensures relevant programmes are continually offered.

Chairperson of Council, Dr Leticia Moja, believes the plan will play a vital role in repositioning the University for continued global competitiveness and sustainability.

“As Council, we are excited to be part of this ambitious and forward-looking blueprint of the University for the next ten years. We applaud the hard work and diligence of the task team members who developed this Strategic Plan
and the stakeholders who provided input in the strategic planning process,” she said.


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