MINISTER of Sport, Arts and Culture Zizi Kodwa is determined to ensure that school sports remain the bedrock for development, cascading into a solid pipeline for the future for national teams in various sporting codes building on work which began a decade ago.
The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC) and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) have partnered in spearheading the National School Sports Championships since its inception in 2012.
Soon after his appointment, Kodwa made clear his intention to ensure that the country returns to basics in unearthing the missing gems in the sports, arts and culture sectors. School sport is pivotal to his vision, with Kodwa telling the media that he wants to “catch them young” and lay a stronger foundation for the future.
As such, the National School Sport Championships (NSSC), the foundation of sport development, is the premier event in the South African school sports calendar.
Kodwa and Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga have agreed on a partnership agreement endorsing schools’ sports as the incubators for sports development and talent identification.
“The primary aim of the school sports programme is to ensure that every one of South Africa’s schools, primary and high schools, are allowed to participate in at least one sporting code,” he said.
According to Kodwa, the National School Sport Championships remains the natural stimulant of the rollout of the school sports league programme, where children are provided with access to participate in an organised sports programme as endorsed at the 2011 Sports Indaba.
School sports operational structures were established in March 2012 at the National and Provincial levels to coordinate and roll out the schools’ sports program. The programme further seeks to address all the barriers of entry currently inhibiting broad-based participation in school sports by providing the necessary support material, personnel, and competition opportunities.
Kodwa believes that children must be given the tools to learn and play within a conducive environment. Although early in his tenure, Kodwa has been visible, visiting Kgamanyane High School in Moruleng, Rustenburg in the Northwest Province in March, as part of the buildup programme to the annual South African Sports Awards.
Accompanied by the Northwest Provincial Department of Arts, Culture, Sports, and Recreation, MEC Kenetswe Mosenogi, Kodwa, handed over the netball and football equipment and attire to local schools and clubs as part of the ministerial outreach programme.
Kodwa is committed to ensuring that the partnership between his Ministry and the DBE makes tracks of developing of sporting talents in public schools. The future Bafana Bafana or Banyana Banyana stars may not be too far – if Kodwa has his way and his vision is realised.